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MachenSie Ihre Website bekannt

If the resource you were rating at the time you clicked on the 'remote rate' link was your own, you may be interested in several of the remote 'Rate a Website' options we have available. These allow you to place an image (or even a rating form) on your script's web site in order to increase the number of votes your website receive. Please choose from one of the options listed below if this is something you are interested in:

Please, no cheating...
We have had several cases where a website has been removed from the directory due to cheating involved with our rating system. We usually find these, even when they are very obscure, either from user reportings or routine checks by staff. By being removed from the directory, you'll lose more accesses than you ever would by falsely bolstering your rating value.

1. Text Links

One way to link to the rating form is through a simple text link, such as:

Rate this Website @

The HTML code you should use in this case, is the following:

The number '4' in the HTML source references the resource id number in link directory database. You should make sure you link to the correct website.

2. Small Image Links

If you're looking for a little more than a basic text link, you may wish for one of our smaller image links to the rating form:

Right click on image and 'Save Image'. Do NOT link this image from our site! Copy the image to your website and change the links as appropriate

3. Remote Rating Forms

Our policies on the use of a remote rating form on your web site are very strict. If we find a web site in violation of the acceptable terms, we have the right to block all incoming votes from the offending web site or remove your listing from entirely. The only voting mechanisms required on a remote site are the form types shown below, unless you get permission to use a different rating form scheme. Basically, we want the default vote set to '--' and the user must be able to freely choose from 1 - 10. Any site that we find that is attempting to submit all 10's or something similar when a user simply hits submit will be in violation of the remote rating rules.

Having said that, here is what the current remote rating form looks like. If we get significant user feedback, we will create others. If you wish to have something custom made on your site, feel free, but make sure you get it approved by us and that it follows the basic guidelines set forth above.


Using this form will allow users to rate your website directly from your site and the rating will be recorded. The above form is disabled, but the following source code will work if you simply cut and paste it into your web page, copy the images (top, bottom, and button), and change image paths to your site. The source code is shown below:

Thanks! Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

- Staff

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Sie können gerne unsere Nachrichten mit Hilfe der Datei backend.php oder ultramode.txt auf Ihrer Seite einbinden.
Copyright 2001-2006 by MurgtalNet und Frank Sypplie